0414 962 971


We have just competed in the Australian Masters Women’s Hockey Championships in Sydney. I contacted Marisa at Body Moves Massage Therapy and she organised two therapists to visit us whenever one of the teams needed someone.
Amazing organisation, very professional and went out of their way to help us out.
Highly recommend…. we were from WA.💛🖤🏑

“Feeling great thanks to you, can I please book in again next week”.

Alicia – High School Teacher

“My arm is much better than it was before your massage & I’m hoping that a couple more sessions will relieve it. Thank you, I feel great”.

Polly – High School Teacher

“The back eased up & the massage came at exactly the right time. I’m feeling much more flexible today. Thank you again”.

Leanne – Business Owner

“Thank you for the massage and for listening to me each visit. I always come away from your treatments feeling hopeful & positive”.

Janine – Healthcare Worker

“Your massage was wonderful as always”.

Georgia – Senior Manager Legal

“Feeling great thank you, my legs are feeling really good too”

Carol – Executive Assistant