0414 962 971


Look after your assets

The greatest and most prominent asset of any company is most certainly its employees, and there is no doubt about the therapeutic benefits a good massage can have on a person.

We aim to utilise this simple truth by lending our experience, expertise and therapeutic services to the business world, allowing you to say that thank you to your hard working employees in a way words will never be able to, through massage!

Apart from its ability to deliver relaxation, strengthen focus, and in turn, increase productivity, massage has numerous health related benefits:

  • Improved circulation
  • Relief for tight muscles and other aches and pains
  • Release of nerve compression eg carpel tunnel & sciatica
  • Greater flexibility and range of movement
  • Enhanced energy and vitality
  • Stress relief

What others are saying about Body Moves Corporate Massage

The team at Body Moves Massage Therapy are always professional and easy to deal with. Organising onsite workplace massage in our South Western Sydney facility has been a breeze and something really valued by our team”.

Janelle Bulmer – Director Dynaweld

“Working with Body Moves Massage Therapy is always such a great experience from receiving job offers all the waythrough to completion of the job. Communication has always been very professional, respectful & Marisa is fantastic to work with”.

Steven V – Cert IV Massage Therapist

“Having been a massage therapist with years of experience giving 1 or 2 hour massages, I was initially very sceptical about the value of 10 or 20 min massages in the workplace. I quickly learned just how appreciated our work is and how much positive impact our regular visits have”.

Peggy Bollman – Adv Dip Ayurveda – Remedial Massage

Employee Rewards Scheme

What better way to reward your staff than with a 15-20min massage? This is our most popular option in the office. All treatments are carried out fully clothed. Our therapists arrive equipped with an ergonomic massage chair or table, relaxation music and aromatherapy oils to vapourise to create an ambiant environment. We can also offer your staff useful postural and workplace ergonomic advice.

Various payment options can be organised including:

  • 100% employer funded
  • 100% employee funded
  • 50-50 shared payment

Talk to us about Body Moves visiting your workplace

Get in Touch

Body Moves Massage therapy have conducted corporate seated massage on behalf of many prominent organisations Australia wide. Those already enjoying the benefits of Body Moves Massage therapy in their workplace include: